没错 ,这是一篇中英文的赛后记,
Allow me to humbly share some life lessons I have learnt from participating 100 Km North Face Ultra Trail Challenge.
As the Chinese proverb once said, journey of thousand miles starts with one step, I started my running passion when I registered for a 10km race in my high school, progressing to half marathons when I was in University, further to full marathons, and now an ultra marathon on the trail. In every step of the progress, there are lessons to be learnt, friends to be made, and health benefits to be reaped.
After completing my 21st full marathon (out of my 100 dream), I am comfortable with the 42.195km road race, however in order to pursue progress and perfection, one needs to get out from his/her comfort zone, and go for something more challenging. In this case, I am pursuing a further distance, dying to see how much further I can run, or how my body adapts to this gruesome situation. To my new knowledge there are varieties of running events beyond the usual 42.195km full marathon distance. In Asia, at most 100km, in the West, it is common to see an event with 100miles (160km) races.
I am blessed enough to be in Yangzhou, one night train away from Beijing where the annual "The North Face 100km Ultra Trail Challenge" (TNF100) is held. This year is the 8th TNF100 in Beijing, my second participation. Five years ago, I ran the 50km category, which later helped me to qualify for the 100km this year. It took me 8 hours to complete the 50km race, thus I predicted 20 hours for the 100km finishing time.
Two hours shy from the cut off time, I finished in 24 hours. Unlike road marathons, it is harder to predict your time in this kind of race, where the terrains are unpredictable. Some kilometer will take less than 10 minutes, while other Km will take as much as 60 minutes. There are 9 check points, where runners get energized, refuel their camel bags, eat snacks, fruits, instant noodles, porridge, and get their time recorded at the check point. Non runners can track the position of the runner every time they reach a check point. Family and friends don’t have to worry about the runner’s whereabouts.
There were three categories of the race marked by different color of BIB number, yellow for 100km, red for 50km, and orange for 22km categories. During the race and finishing spotting the yellow color (100Km) becomes a privilege, since people seem to show some support and respect simply by imagining what you had been through. Volunteers give you some extra cheers, and I got a surprising hug from a random runner who helped me took a picture at finishing line. It refreshed my memory 5 years ago when I reached the finishing line of my 50km race, about the same time with a runner who was finishing his 100km race, it was the exact kind of admiration to meet someone who had completed the double distance I was. I simply had the urge to shake his hands out of respect.
(time record and CP map)
Friends wonder about how I eat during the race, did I rest or sleep during the course of the race. Quick rest, yes, sleeping, no. I did some research (or, just call it reading) online and learnt some skills for running ultra distance. I needed to calculate and predict the calories intake during the race, it sounded very scientific, but actually I simply recognized the one food that I always consume and give me energy boost before my marathon rituals, this food is called Pizza, and I consumed a slice of it at every check point station. I learnt from other experienced runners, that I shouldn’t risk having a stomachache by consuming food prepared by the organizer. The safest way is to bring your own food. Now, for the toilet business, I was fully prepared to bag my own toilet trash on the mountains, but surprisingly there were many public toilets as we passed tourist spots along the route, which made matters a lot easier.
During the run, I was struck by disbelief of an old man, sitting lazily, selling his drinks, under a temporary tent, one hand holding a cigarette, and the other a smart phone, receiving payment through Wechat or Alipay or some sort on the top of the mountain. Perhaps from his previous experience, he has learnt that most runners don't bring cash or it will be a hassle to carry change from buying the drink.
The food was important, however the ultimate secret of completing the race is simply passion, determination, and focus on one thing and one thing only: which is to put your right foot in front of your left foot, and then the opposite, repeat it until you reach the finishing line. It is as simple as that.
Running takes some patience too, who would ever picture a jam up on the mountain route during the race? Yes, it happened where 1600 people were trying to climb on single narrow route, creating a bottleneck where runners needed to go one by one. Here once again I learnt about putting safety as the first priority on everything. Getting hurt by rushing, or injured, and not being able to finish would be a shame. The organizers must be praised for their quick response on this issue. Immediately they stopped runners from climbing, we had to wait and climbed slowly for about 1,5 hours out of solidarity and respect among runners.
Some lessons are meant to be learnt the hard way, I ran my first full marathon skipping breakfast, I still remember a kind policeman on duty that offered me his bread. In some other races, I was over confident with my road racing pace, preparing food for only 12 hours run, while it took me 27 hours to finish. I made new friends with fellow runners who shared food and support during the race until we reached the finishing line.
In some races I can beat my personal best, at other times I beat my personal worst, worse, I did not finish within the cut off time, once I didn't even make it to the starting line due to injury. I always analyze these experiences, trying to improve and share with other runners for greater good. The more I run, I realize the less significant my time result and record is, the most significant thing is to put safety on top of everything during the training, the race, and stay healthy and strong along the way. What is the point of training so hard, and getting injured just days before the race, and fail to compete. It would be discouraging.
It is also only after years of running, I found out I can use my running to run for a cause, to raise money for children in need, thus starting from 2015, our family started to run for the benefit of children’s health and education. We challenge our family and friends to donate 10 dollars for every km that we cover during the year. Last year campaign was a success, and this year we are half way from meeting the donation target, the next run will be the Sydney International marathon. Where I will cover 42km, and my son and wife will cover 9km respectively, thus a total of 243km run this year, compared to 115km last year.
So here I am, a certified ultra marathoner, simply setting an example for my son of an achievement that comes with hard work, and perhaps after one or two more 100km events, I can aim at 100miles and beyond in the future, in the time being, I will see you on the school track.
请允许我以一颗谦卑之心来分享我在The North Face越野赛中的人生体验。
中国有句谚语“千里之行始于足下”。高中时代参加10公里长跑,启蒙了我对奔跑的热情。到了大学,我开始跑半程马拉松,继而全程马拉松, 而今的越野跑。在过往的一次次行程中,我获得了人生经验,结交了朋友,收获了健康。
我很幸运,此次The North Face100公里越野跑所在地北京与扬州仅仅是一晚上火车的距离。今年已经是这一赛事在北京举办的第八届。五年前,我在50公里组,这让我今年有资格参加100公里的挑战。上一次50公里耗时8小时,因此我预测,我将用20小时跑完100公里。
朋友们很好奇我在比赛中如何吃饭, 我是否休息或睡觉。短暂的休息是有的,决不能睡觉。我还是为越野跑做过一些功课(网上阅读攻略)来自学技巧:我需要计算和预测我的卡路里摄入,听起来很科学,可实际上我仅仅携带我经常吃的,并能迅速提升我在跑步中能量指标的食物。这个食物就叫披萨饼。我在每个休息站都会消耗一片披萨饼。我从有经验的赛友那里了解到,决不能去尝试组织者给准备的食物,而让自己的胃冒风险。下面我们谈谈上厕所问题,我本已准备好越野赛嘛,用袋子装我的排泄物,但惊讶地发现沿途有很多景点公共卫生间,另长跑中的如厕问题便捷了许多。